Participants concentrating on arranging the numbers in Supreme Sudoku Battle.
One of the groups battle to win in Regu
Some of the masterpiece of participants in Pertandingan Origami
One of the contestants delivers her speech for Public Speaking Competition
‘Academic Festival 2011’ is one of the activities organized by PKPMI Makassar as a part of its community-based organization yearly program. This one day festival was held at Rusunawa UNHAS on 3rd April 2011, from 10.00 am until 3.00 pm. About 100 Malaysian students participated in the festival.
The main objective for this event is to enrich learning through creative and fun educational-based activities that allow the students to expand their critical thinking skills and increase the level of confident beside embrace their hidden talent.
Content of Programs
1. Regu
In a group consist of three participants, they are challenge with general knowledge such as name of places, idioms, proverbs, medical terms and much more (The game will be conducted in both Bahasa Malaysia and English Language) The basic rule of this game is one of the member will be given a clue and need to playacting it. Then, the other group members will have to guess the clue correctly.
2. Public Speaking Competition
An impromptu style public speaking (English Language) is an individual judge competition which each participant will be given one topic randomly about general knowledge and need to deliver the speech within 3 minutes.
3. Rubik’s Cube Challenge
Participants will be challenge with the fastest time to solve the scramble Rubik’s Cube.
4. Ultimate IQ Test
In 10 minutes, participants will need to answer a list of questions to test their IQ level.
5. Supreme Sudoku Battle
To test the skills, logic and creativity in arranging numbers in a rows and columns. The fastest and correct answer will be the winner.
6. Teka Berat Saya? (Watermelon Guessing Game )
In this game, participants need to guest the weight of a watermelon accurately (up to 2 decimal points) to be the winner.
7. Crossword Puzzle
Participants need to solve the crossword puzzle which will test their general knowledge. (entertainment, basic medicine and much more)
There was also involvement from the other student organization which is IPEM Makassar. They contributed 2 activities and a booth for books selling.
1. Pertandingan Origami
Synopsis: A combination of art skills and creative thinking. Participants need to create their own masterpiece of origami as uniquely as possible.
2. Pertandingan Putar Belit
Synopsis: Participants will be given one word and need to derive other words by using the alphabets from that one given word only.
At the same time, PKPMI Makassar also running a food bazaar to raise fund for the organization.
Observation and Impression
i. Preparation of event
Due to some technical problem and raining in the morning on that day, the event only started almost 1 hour late from the actual program schedule. Fortunately, the committee managed to prepare all the props and the booth well and started the game soon as the students came.
ii. Participation of students
The event received a great number of students who came to participate in each activities organized by the committee even though the weather was not really good because it almost raining throughout the day. We were really impressed with the determination, creativity, and the extraordinary skills shown by the students during their participations in all activities.
- Through such program as ‘Academic Festival 2011’, it may be used as one of a method in implementing a fun learning outside the lecture class.
- More activities which involving hands-on approach should be organized to develop an extra skills in any sort of fields and not only focusing in medicine field. Thus, students may benefit and practise them in future reality life
The ‘Academic Festival 2011’ achieved the objectives. The event was successfully created a fun way of learning, revealed the hidden talent and sharpened the students skills and creative thinking.
Prepared by,
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